14 Mar 2016

Paris + Stick a Smile + Update ♡

Hey there!
Hope you're all feeling peachy :)

First of all I'm really really sorry for not writing for two months and the main reason was school because I've been studying harder now as I've settled higher goals but I've also been a lazy bum so I'm really sorry haha.

This will be just some kind of update BUT I have something to ask you! :D Well, on Friday I'm going to Paris to see my dad who's working there and I'll stay there for a week. What I wanted to know was if you'd like me to do daily posts that week to tell you how my trip's been and show you what I've been doing? I think I'll do it because it'll be super fun and I'd love to share everything with you guys! ♡ If you can, please leave a comment saying what would you think of that :)

OH! There's one thing I'd like like to tell you about! There's this amazing initiative, Stick a Smile (click on it to access to their website), that basically has "the goal of making the world a happier place". They distribute stickers free of charge that contain short quotes reminding people to smile. You can contact them by their email ( hello@stickasmile.com ), all you have to do is write your name and address and they'll send you some stickers! I think this is such a nice and positive initiative, and also their team is super nice! Nick, Rafe and Sam are so sweet and they've sent me stickers for the second time already and I didn't even ask for them ahh I was so happy when I got home today and saw the mail!! :)

Talk to you on the next post! ♡
(If you haven't followed my blog yet and would like to, there's a button on the very end of my side bar that says "Join this site", just click there)

Lots of love,
Mari xx

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