26 Sept 2015

'That's The Spirit' by BMTH review ☂

Hello!! I know I haven't posted in a while but school started this week for me and I haven't got any time to stop and write but I'm back!
The other day, September 11th, That´s The Spirit, the new Bring Me The Horizon's album came out and I think I've already listened to it way too many times but oh well lmao
So on this post I'll be doing some kind of review of their album!

1. Doomed
3. Throne
8. Run 
9. Drown
11. Oh No

1. Doomed
This isn't one of my favourites of the album but I like it so much! The chorus kinda reminds me of a song I used to listen a while ago, even though I have no idea which song :\\ I like the lyrics, but that's not news because I think I like almost every bmth lyrics haha
I listened to it again and tried to understand what they were trying to say and we've got some deep shit in here (again, what are the news? lmao) wait can I swear in here¿?

2. Happy Song
Okay I think I listened to this SO MANY times!!! It's one of my favourites and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it. I just relate a lot to it in some ways and idk maybe that's why I like bmth so much, like I can relate so much to most of their songs and it kinda makes me feel like I'm not that alone? 

3. Throne
I've been addicted to this song since it first came out and I love every single part of it. It shows that everything that hurts you, scars you and that brings you down will only prepare you and help you to be better, be stronger and fight back, you just have to stop and realise that you can't stay 'down' forever so you might as well start collecting the good things that come from the bad things (what am I even saying lmao I swear I'm not drunk and this is actually making sense in my head) and use them to 'recover'.

4. True Friends
Damn it, this is just thebomb.com 
No like this is also one of my favourites and I can't stop listening to it........... BUT there's something here that just doesn't sound right (and please someone tell me if I'm wrong because that would be a relief)! Shouldn't it be 'I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you' instead of 'I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you'??? hahaha
But I love it anyways.

5. Follow You
First of all, I would never associate this song to them haha but it is also one of my favourites. The lyrics are so beautiful and this is probably the most romantic song from bmth! I don't even know what to say about it besides that I adore it so much that I don't even have words to describe it.

6. What You Need
I just love the irony in this song. It's about people who aren't open-minded and who stick to the things they were taught, and are so afraid of being wrong that don't even take the risk to believe in new things unless they're proven true. Those are the people that also don't like you just because you think differently. 
One thing I like about Bring Me The Horizon is that they literally say whatever they feel like they need to say without caring what other people might think of them just because they have different opinions (yes, those are the people I just talked about ^^).

7. Avalanche
I feel like this song is a bit personal, because Oli said it's about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and about his addiction to self-medicating. I can't really give my opinion on this one, at least on the lyrics part because only Oli himself can understand by 100% what's there and I'm sure this has a lot of meaning to him because this is a way of him letting out what he thinks and how he feels and it probably helps him a lot to cope with his feelings and emotions (at least I hope it does).

8. Run
I haven't listened to this one as much as I've listened to the others just because I don't relate that much to it and I enjoy listening to songs that I can relate to much more than I enjoy just listening to them.
It's a good song, and I like it but not as much as the others.

9. Drown

10. Blasphemy
I think this song is kinda related to 'What You Need' as it's about cynical people who won't let go of their beliefs, even though they don't actually believe them, they're just sticking to what they were told/taught.

11. Oh No
This song just makes me really proud of Oliver, like it shows how his addiction is now part of the past and you can see a really big change from the albums 'There Is A Hell' (which basically is about him dealing with being an addict) to 'Sempiternal' (wich shows how he's trying to stop) and to this one, this song in particular, because the story of it it's him speaking to someone who's still an addict and trying to help them come off whatever drug they're addicted to.

This album is really different from the others, and if you listened to all of them you obviously noticed there's been a huge change. I've seen a lot of people complaining about their 'new style' and how they liked the old albums better but just stop and think: it's their band, they create their songs. I think they have the right to be any style they want. If you don't like it just kindly leave, there's no need for rude comments... but that's just me thinking :)

I'm so sorry for this post being too long, and I'm even more sorry if you don't like BMTH (sorry for your music taste obviously. just kidding haha don't hate me I'm nice and cute) and if this post was literally full of nothing to you haha and I'm sorry if you gave up reading it and aren't reading this part of me apologising to you.
Anyway, hope you're all feeling fab!

With love,
Mari xx

12 Sept 2015

Favourite Songs of The Month ♫

Hey there beautiful lil creatures! (don't ask lmao)
I wanted to show you some of my favourite songs, and I know I said 'of the month' on the title but these are just my all time favs so yea make that just 'Favourite Songs' lol

1. The first one will have to be Jasey Rae by All Time Low. I just love that song, it puts my ears in peace, for real.

especially the acoustic version omg

2. The next one is Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings, I only found out this song this year (shame on me) and it gives me life.

3. Of course I could not forget 5SOS, Disconnected and Long Way Home are the Luke to my Michael (otp 5ever soz).

4. Another song that I love (which I haven't heard for a while, but I sarted listening to it again this month yay) is Another You by Of Mice And Men.

5. Sleepwalking and True Friends by Bring Me The Horizon. All of their songs are great but these two just get me going.

6. There's this band I discovered last year I think, Alt-J, and idk I just really like them and their songs! My favourite is Every Other Freckle.

7. Last but not least, I have Basket Case by Green Day. Because ya know, you can never go wrong with Green Day.

I'm gonna stop now because you're probably already bored haha but if you want me to do a part 2 or something like that just let me know!
I think you can understand a bit of my music taste now, or maybe not, even I still don't get it lmao like there's days when I like 'heavier' things and then there's days when I just listen to indie or alternative (idk I suck at music styles names lol but you get it, hope so).

By the way, I took a look at the blog statistics and realised that people from Portugal (obviously lol), USA, UK, Thailand and Venezuela saw my blog..... WHAAAT? That's insane!! Thank you so much really! I hope that all you people that check my blog out are liking it so far. 

With love,
Mari xx

7 Sept 2015

Books That I Want To Read ❀

Hey there! 
There are so many books I want to read so I thought that maybe I could pick some of them and create a small list! If you've already read any of these books please tell me what you thought of them and if you think they're worth reading! :)
And I hope that with this list you can also find new books that you would like to read.
Here it goes!
(I'm not gonna put the book descriptions here because they're really long, but I'll give you a link for each one!)

#1 Black-Eyed Susans by Julia Heaberlin

#2 Landline by Rainbow Rowell

#3 Delirium by Lauren Oliver 
(and also the other books from the series)

#4 Every Day by David Levithan

#5 The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
(and the other books from the Chaos Walking series)

#6 The Vast Fields of Ordinary by Nick Burd

These are some of the books that I really want to read, even though I still have about five on my bedroom still waiting for me to read them so I'll have to read those first, but when I do, these will be the next ones! (I probably spend way too much money on books lolz)
Hope you're having an awesome day/night wherever you are, and good luck if school already started for you! 

With love,
Mari xx

4 Sept 2015

'Get To Know Me' tag ♡

It's me Mari and today I thought I would do a 'Get To Know Me' tag, which are basically 21 questions and I'll answer them for you so you can get to know me a bit better! :)
Here it goes...

1. Are you named after anyone?
Um no, actually I don't think I am, my mom just loves the name Mariana haha.

2. When was the last time you cried?
It was last week I think, it's really easy for me to cry, even though I try not to, the harder I try the harder I'll cry haha.

3. Do you have kids?

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
I think so, I mean I think I'd like to hang out with myself haha 

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I use sarcasm so much that sometimes I don't even know anymore if I'm being sarcastic or not.

6. Will you ever bungee-jump?
It's something I REALLY want to do! I already did something like that but it wasn't that high and I want to do it but from a higher place now. :)

7. What’s your favorite cereal?
This is a tough one... I love cereal so much omg. But I'll have to go with triple chocolate muesli! It's like heaven in my mouth ahhh!!!!

8. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes, lips and hands. But mostly lips and hands, And if they have sense of humour, it's not the first thing I notice but it's the thing I try harder to know :)

9. What is your eye colour? 
They're green-ish. Like, they're a bit brown in the middle and green on the outside. I find them cute haha 
(here's a picture)

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
I don't know really. I like scary movies when I'm not alone. And I also like happy endings, but it depends on my mood, like I prefer movies that aren't that scary but that don't have happy endings, I don't know if you're getting what I'm saying lmao

11. Favorite smells?
And the mint smell!

12. Summer or winter?
People find me kinda weird for this, but I prefer winter all the way! At least I can wear all black without burning inside haha

13. Computer or television?
Computer! I don't think I even watch TV, all I do is watch movies and series online.

14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
It was when I went to Brazil, I was on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

15. Do you have any special talents?
Besides being an awesome fangirl? Not really haha
Just kidding, well I used to play the cello and I used to dance ballet (I don't do any of those now though *cries*) but I surf, it isn't really a talent because I'm still learning but yea.

16. Where were you born?

17. What are your hobbies?
Fangirling, finding out new bands, listening to them, reading, online shopping (compulsively oops), watching youtube videos and 9gag. Wow my life sounds so fun

18. Do you have any pets?
I do!! I have 3 cats (I LOVE cats) and 3 dogs. :)

19. Favorite movie?
Hard oneeee! I love every THG movie, I loved 'The Host', 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower', etc.

20. Do you have any siblings?
Nope! Just me.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I've already said this on my last post but I want to do something related to forensics and criminal investigation! :)

SO, this was it! Hope you liked it and that you know me better now!
I tag everyone who wants to do this 

With love,
Mari xx

1 Sept 2015

A little introduction ☼

This is my first post here and if you haven't noticed by the title yet, this will be a small introduction of myself and this blog.
I've never had a blog before so I don't really know how this works haha but I'll find out as the time goes by.
Okay so, I'm Mariana (but you can call me Mari), I'm a portuguese 15 year old girl and I decided to create this blog to let people know me a bit better (if someone will even read this lol).
I find it quite hard to say a lot of the things I want to say when I'm with people and when they're looking at me because I feel really pressured to say the right thing and most of the times I end up not speaking, so I'm using this as a way to express myself without feeling that kind of pressure, and maybe (who knows?) this will help me with talking and giving my opinions in front of other people! ☺
I'm a cat and plant lover and an art enthusiast, even though I'm not studying Arts, I'm actually studying Sciences and Technologies! I'm still not very sure about this yet but I find forensics really interesting and I've been wanting to do something related to that in the future for a while now.
And now you ask: 'Okay, but what can I expect from this blog??'
Well, like I already said, I'm gonna use this as a way to express myself and give opinions but of course that is not all! I'm also thinking of talking to you about random things and about my day and things I did, I want to talk about clothes, shoes, beauty and all that stuff too and I also want to share my music taste with you. I can do Q&A's if you want, some tags, etc.
BUT, the point of this blog is to spread positivity, because it can have a huge impact on your life, a good one (it already made mine so much better!) so I'm hoping I can help some of you, so please feel free to e-mail me ANYTIME and I'll answer as soon as possible!! (marithelilfairy@gmail.com)
This was my first post ever so I'm sorry for being boring lelz but the next ones will be better. ;)

With love,
Mari xx