4 Sept 2015

'Get To Know Me' tag ♡

It's me Mari and today I thought I would do a 'Get To Know Me' tag, which are basically 21 questions and I'll answer them for you so you can get to know me a bit better! :)
Here it goes...

1. Are you named after anyone?
Um no, actually I don't think I am, my mom just loves the name Mariana haha.

2. When was the last time you cried?
It was last week I think, it's really easy for me to cry, even though I try not to, the harder I try the harder I'll cry haha.

3. Do you have kids?

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
I think so, I mean I think I'd like to hang out with myself haha 

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I use sarcasm so much that sometimes I don't even know anymore if I'm being sarcastic or not.

6. Will you ever bungee-jump?
It's something I REALLY want to do! I already did something like that but it wasn't that high and I want to do it but from a higher place now. :)

7. What’s your favorite cereal?
This is a tough one... I love cereal so much omg. But I'll have to go with triple chocolate muesli! It's like heaven in my mouth ahhh!!!!

8. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes, lips and hands. But mostly lips and hands, And if they have sense of humour, it's not the first thing I notice but it's the thing I try harder to know :)

9. What is your eye colour? 
They're green-ish. Like, they're a bit brown in the middle and green on the outside. I find them cute haha 
(here's a picture)

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
I don't know really. I like scary movies when I'm not alone. And I also like happy endings, but it depends on my mood, like I prefer movies that aren't that scary but that don't have happy endings, I don't know if you're getting what I'm saying lmao

11. Favorite smells?
And the mint smell!

12. Summer or winter?
People find me kinda weird for this, but I prefer winter all the way! At least I can wear all black without burning inside haha

13. Computer or television?
Computer! I don't think I even watch TV, all I do is watch movies and series online.

14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
It was when I went to Brazil, I was on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

15. Do you have any special talents?
Besides being an awesome fangirl? Not really haha
Just kidding, well I used to play the cello and I used to dance ballet (I don't do any of those now though *cries*) but I surf, it isn't really a talent because I'm still learning but yea.

16. Where were you born?

17. What are your hobbies?
Fangirling, finding out new bands, listening to them, reading, online shopping (compulsively oops), watching youtube videos and 9gag. Wow my life sounds so fun

18. Do you have any pets?
I do!! I have 3 cats (I LOVE cats) and 3 dogs. :)

19. Favorite movie?
Hard oneeee! I love every THG movie, I loved 'The Host', 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower', etc.

20. Do you have any siblings?
Nope! Just me.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I've already said this on my last post but I want to do something related to forensics and criminal investigation! :)

SO, this was it! Hope you liked it and that you know me better now!
I tag everyone who wants to do this 

With love,
Mari xx

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